Since Emily's untimely death, the world-wide surge of interest and fascination for her life and work has continued to increase. Janet developed an interest in poetry from her father who used to recite it to her from memory. She became particularly drawn to the poems of Emily Bronte and in later life held a desire to bring her poems to a wider audience by writing music to accompany them.
'A Fresh Wind Waves' is a phrase from one of the five poems on the CD and it describes the nature of the CD in several ways. Firstly it heralds the beginning of a new day in this poem. It also describes the introduction of Emily's poetry through this CD as the poems are given a new dimension and a wider appeal.
The inclusion of the cello evokes the mood of the poems, particularly the three moor poems, 'It was Night', 'Mild the Mist' and 'November 1837'. This CD completes the journey begun in 1976. Janet was proud to share a very small part of Emily's world.